A lil more hungover .

Ugh. Short updates continued.

Was in SF yesterday, Alcatraz closed early, we’ll do
that next time.

Went to Santa Cruz at like 19.oo in the evening last night,
Mr Jim got in the mood with a couple of beers before leaving. He then managed to crack one open in the glove compartment, as we were on the road, leaving my car with a nice aroma. Cleaned it up tho and threw in a Wünderbaum.

Got to SC at like 9, had a few, went out, were out until the bars closed down.…

Categories USA

Hungover and stuff .

Hey. Extremley short update. Mr Jim arrived yesterday around 23.30. We had some vodka at around 2.. and well.. we went to bed at like 8, let’s just leave it at that. Oh and Mc Mike, sorry for the phone terror but yes, we do love ya.. and if we called anybody else, sorry for that too.

Not much happened today. Slept to six. Saw “National Treasure”:http://www.google.com/search?q=National+Treasure

Im too tired.

Need some serious sleep

Ugh I need to get some sleep. Have been working my ass off with this site I’m doing. Man do I suck at Flash, at least I finally got it all working and I can start building the php/framework now that the layout and flash is pretty much done.

I’m way tired.. its almost 8 in the morning, time for some heavy sleeping before Jimmy and Anna arrive tonight. Got my webcam now, it’s arite, my connection sucks so that sort of screws it for me..…

Categories USA

motherfuckers dieeee

*”Link of the day”:http://www.wefail.com/turkey/*

Woke up today with fucking ants on the side of my bed eating away on a banana peel that I had left earlier that morning on a plate. I got up at like 12 you see and had some breakfast/lunch consisting of the usual tortillia, tuna, mayo and a banana… ate it in bed and watched an ep of “Battlestar Galactica”:http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/ (that link goes to SciFi’s page, altho only Sky One in Uk are currently airing it).…

Categories USA

Ipod + webcam = noodles

Ever bought anything on impulse? Well I bought a “20gb Ipod”:http://www.apple.com/ipod/ today completley on impulse. I was going to Circuit City for a webcam.. and that’s when I saw it.. sitting there… in it’s little white shiny box with multi-colored text.. and after going back and forth, back and forth I finally caved. Now it’s gonna be noodles for the rest of the month until “CSN”:http://www.csn.se/english/default.asp kicks in.

I’m glad I bought it, it’s typically something I would not buy since I do not really need it (I’ve got an old Rio 64mb mp3 player and an Iriver SlimX IMP-350 Mp3 CD-Player and they both work fine)..…

Not much news today .

Weow. Been a long day today. Doing schoolwork all day since 9AM and only had like 3 hours of sleep tonight, stayed up late last night with the help of our new Barista coffe maker (manual I’m afraid) and some fine Intenzo blend right from the native country.. well not really.. but still..

Been listening even more to “The Streets”:http://www.google.com?q=the+streets and damn the new albums brilliant.

Just spent a couple of hours completley chilling out, Liam cooked some fucking splendid food and a monster entré with mozarella, avocado, tomato and pasta with nuts and balsam vinegar…agh..I…

Categories USA

A lot of stuff going on

I got myself a new blog. It’s powered by “Textpattern”:http://www.textpattern.com , coz I’m just to lazy to write my own.. besides…why reinvent the wheel. Not sure how often I’ll update bu this is all RSS and stuff so the people who actually read feeds will just be able to enter this one in.

In case you noticed something has happened to the root of the site also.. and yes, it looks like you’re supposed to click the button but you’re not..flash…

Categories USA