Warm day

Warm day

Hot as balls here. 24-25C in the shade (75F), record temp in Sweden pretty much for today. Oliver has played outside with the water hose, eaten strawberries and ice cream and he got stung a bit (we think) by a piece of stinging nettle. All in all, a true summer day in Sweden.…

Sleeping in

Sleeping in

I wonder.. how many 22 month old dudes that sleeps 12 hours straight and then plays quietly and chills in their bed for an hour.…



A little bit a month after she was born Linda moved Liv to the cradle to start sleeping there.…

Watering the flowers

Watering the flowers

Forgot to let Chester out this morning before we left for some shopping in the city. When we came home Linda asked me if I had watered (and spilled) a flower on the kitchen table. I hadn’t.. but when I wiped some “water” with a white piece of towel i noticed that it wasn’t water…

Poor dog, at least he had tried to do it on the available foilage & soil.…



Since some week back the little dude is now not only opening the front door but also, the tougher to open, doors we have between rooms.…